Key word: Ready.
It’s been a long (7 years) journey since my awakening in 2012.
I felt completely in awe of what I was tuning into.
I began learning about energy/frequencies/vibrations and spirituality, filling my mind with hours of YouTube videos and guided meditations.
It was the first time I began tuning into my guides; angels; Higher Self/Inner Being and the Muses.
Throughout these last 7 years, I have gone on quite the rollercoaster journey of facing fears, deconstructing limiting beliefs AND owning my power while living my best high vibe life.
Deep beneath all of this has been a calling that started when I was a child (birth, I am sure) and never stopped.
This deep rooted Love of Music; creating it, singing it, dancing to it, playin, vibing and all of the things.
This Love has always beckoned me to allow it in, and throughout my life I have danced with it on many ocassions, however — never fully giving it the complete love and attention it so desperately needed and very well deserves.
There’s been a powerful shift within myself (it may have something to do with the last 7 years I’ve been consciously doing the “work”) over the last few weeks where I feel like all aspects of mySelf have finally come together as WHOLE and are ready to get back on their path: where the muses are waiting and ready to serve.
My throat and sacral chakras have been a big area of focus for me with so many disempowering stories of ‘Not feeling safe to speak my truth and share my voice’ and ‘not being good enough/deserving/worthy of receiving ____ (love/money/stability/etc.)’.
These stories have been so deeply embedded within my Being throughout my entire life, and since 2012, has come up consciously over and over again in hopes I would finally give them up and tell new stories.
And I did.
And I have.
So now, I tell new stories about mySelf.
Especially related to my worth, my value and my capacity to share my voice AND story without fear (whatever fears arise).
I have been writing songs again.
I’ve dabbled with songwriting over the last few years (I enjoyed writing as a teenager) with mantra music and poetry shares at open mics.
Although, nothing stuck for long and I would regularily feel blocked.
My channel to the muses was muddled with fear, doubt and insecurities.
This last month, I feel I’ve finally surpassed the tipping point, and the channel feels clear, open and flowing.
And so, the muses are singing..
And I can finally hear their song.
I am so excited to share these songs with the world, and with you, dear readers and soul family.
Stay Tuned.
With Love,