Tag: embodiment
After over two years, I am breaking my silence. Where I’ve been on my journey.
Hi again. It’s been a while, a long while, since I’ve posted + shared here consistently. The last 2+ years have been a deep initiation of many sorts. I have gone through the fire of death and transformation, again and again, each time being reborn into a newer version of myself while simultaneously allowing the… Read more
Thank you 2020; Aloha 2021
What did 2020 show and teach me? 🌟 The Truth. The veil lifted in so many ways, and once it did, there was no going back. 🌟 Boundaries. I learned to say No, a lot. I learned how to put my needs first, and prioritize what (and who) was (is) best for me. 🌟 Discernment.… Read more