Category: Spirituality

Conscious and awakened Spirit ready to share my own stories and experiences with the world.

  • After over two years, I am breaking my silence. Where I’ve been on my journey.

    After over two years, I am breaking my silence. Where I’ve been on my journey.
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    Hi again. It’s been a while, a long while, since I’ve posted + shared here consistently. The last 2+ years have been a deep initiation of many sorts. I have gone through the fire of death and transformation, again and again, each time being reborn into a newer version of myself while simultaneously allowing the… Read more

  • Thank you 2020; Aloha 2021

    What did 2020 show and teach me? 🌟 The Truth. The veil lifted in so many ways, and once it did, there was no going back. 🌟 Boundaries.  I learned to say No, a lot. I learned how to put my needs first, and prioritize what (and who) was (is) best for me. 🌟 Discernment.… Read more

  • 1-2-3

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    Life is about the journey, not the destination. Read more

  • The Journey Begins

    The Journey Begins
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    Aloha Soul Family, It is such a pleasure to be able to share so many of my life experiences with all of you, here, on my new website. As you flow around, you will be able to dive into the world that I am constantly creating and molding in every moment. We will practice yoga… Read more