My solar return (aka birthday ) came a few weeks ago, while I’ve been in a state of true surrender and allowance. Have you ever felt like the best (and only) option is to let go, trust and allow?
That’s me, right meow.
Age is a funny thing. The more Now moments I enjoy/experience here on Earth, the more youthful I feel (and look, imho). The more layers of heaviness, untrue stories based on fear and illusion and programs that I unveil, move through and transform, the lighter and brighter I feel.
I see the same reflected externally by so many mirrors: sisters and brothers. It’s a beautiful process of unraveling our true divine selves within our human be-ing.
I choose to forgive myself — releasing self judgements, shame, guilt, blame and insecurity — without the stories that align with the above feelings.
I choose to give myself full permission to feel it all. All the “negative” emotions I’ve repressed for decades: sorrow, grief, sadness, anger, fear, jealousy, insecurity, worry, doubt, rage, resentment and let them move through me without judgement or shame.
Realizing that the only way out is through. As @trevorhallmusic would say: “It’s in and THROUGH the body.”
If the recent lessons that my body’s intelligence have been communicating to me through discomfort and dis-ease is that it’s time to FEEL.
And not just feel; to also recognize what is not true, what does not serve and what doesn’t align with the life I *Am* CHOOSING to create.
To rewrite and tell new stories.
But first, FEEL and allow it to move through.
I’m learning to re-parent myself.
To be the father who cheers for his daughter and accepts her for who she uniquely is. Who tells her She Is Enough. To be the mother who reminds her daughter of her power and limitless nature. Who shows her it’s safe to feel and express her emotions. To be the sister and brother who support one another and find similarities to bond over instead of to divide and separate.
I’m forgiving myself.
I’m forgiving others.
I’m forgiving the past.
I’m releasing shame and judgement and accepting myself, my body and #MyTruth in every now moment while I am continuing to grow, evolve, feel, make mistakes, learn, share, transform & RISE.
Ultimately, RISING HIGHER into LOVE ❤

It’s been a year of lessons, BIG lessons.
Knowing and recognizing that I Am Safe. And that my body feels safe enough to release whatever it has been holding onto for dear life. That ALL parts and aspects of me are safe to let go.
That everything that rises is courageously revealing itself and asking for support. To be Soothed. Nurtured. Loved and Accepted back into Wholeness.
And that I am ready to be the one *the Only One* who is able to do that. For it. Them. For My Self.
Inviting all parts of me back into me, into Truth, into Oneness. Into Love.
This wasn’t the 2021 I had anticipated, and yet it has brought me far along in my journey through contrast, discomfort and growing pains that in hindsight were (are) perfect and exactly as it needed to be to get me to where I am (and where I am going).
Especially in my mindset.
I’m finally making peace with my inner critic, my inner judge. Making friends. Understanding one another. And surprisingly, we are helping each other grow and evolve. In healthier and supportive ways.
There’s so much that has been unraveling, and while I may be still in the thick of it, I am beginning to understand the lessons.
They say the 30’s are when we really begin to stand in our Power and Truth, unapologetically. And I’d have to agree. Though, I feel it will only continue infinitely.
And really —
That’s exciting to me.
How are you growing and evolving within your own truth and mindset? Care to share one way your leveling up in life in the comments? Would love to support your intentions and efforts! 🦋