This Virgo Sun Goddess, right here is! -raises both hands-
I truly do enjoy cleaning house, organizing, de-cluttering and feeling productive.
I mean, SUPER productive. (I digress…)
Even with these joys of mine, A lingering part of my Virgo knows that there is a step-by-step process that sometimes my Aries Mars (and when it comes to music: Venus Leo) does not really want to be patient for.
The process of re-designing my website and starting over #BrandNew has been much more enjoyable than the last… (RIP Wix website)
Even though, I wish it were already complete, sparkling and perfect!
-cue the dramatic crescendo-
The Biggest part within me, my Higher ‘Knows All Is Well’ Self, is whispering for me to relax and publish the blessed ‘site even if it’s not #complete (What does that reallly mean? #illusion) and
Especially the part of mySelf that is not 100% PRESENT in the beauty of this NOW moment.
Wanting to be anywhere but, well frankly, Right Here. –Hugs inner child–
Whenever I see angel numbers 1-2-3, I know my Higher Self/Guides/God/Goddess/Spirit/Source/”Enter Your Favorite Name for the Divine Here” is asking me to take a step back, and ENJOY the Process of life…
Key Word:
I thought I’d take a break from editing my website’s formatting (with Virgo-perfectionist tendencies galore) to share in this little message from my Spirit to yours.
Question: Where do YOU find yourSelf wishing things were moving faster (or maybe slower) than your life is requiring of you right now?
How do YOU become more present?
Feel free to comment, message or email me at [email protected]
In Love,